Register your Nevada offline local store here.

The following products are currently provided as examples. Once the registration requests are reviewed and verified, the confirmed stores will be posted on the main page

Local Store only Lasvegas NV



Secure and Stylish

Local Store only

50% cash 50%pi only


Trendy and Timeless

Local Store only

50% cash 50%pi only


Luxurious and Versatile

Local Store only

100%Pi Tea cup set


Elegant Timepieces

Local Store only

50% cash 50%pi only


Comfortable and Trendy

Local Store only



Stylish Sun Protection

Local Store only

Pico Gadgets


Innovative and Fun

Local Store only

Pico Educational Toys


Engaging and Educational

Local Store only

Pico Fitness Gear


Requested: 1 Still Needs: 1

You can use the board below to promote your store and products for free. Product Registration Example: City, Store Name, Product Name, picoin and cash ratio, and the desired price for the product can be stated. You can also provide official contact information or an email address.